Made scotcheroos today. Hopefully they turned out better than last time. But it's my turn to bring food to work tomorrow, so here goes
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It appears that adjusting to being on Adderall whilst at work is easier than adjusting to being on Adderall whilst having a day off. 'Cause at work I know what to focus on. I can sit there and go through the numbers. At home, suddenly I have to do things, or else I will be bored. I'm not used to being bored, not to that
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So today I'm wandering about the city, sizing up my prospects for an armoire, and I'm at this gigantic home furnishings store (yes, locals, you know the one), and there, smack dab in the middle of the shiny appliances, is a ( DeLorean )
So lately I've been playing phone-tag with the psychiatric department of a local hospital as I have decided to get tested for AD/HD. Phonetag for the last week. Every single time I call I get voicemail. Which is ironic, since one of the hallmarks of AD/HD is a lack of perseverence and a low tolerance for frustration. If I weren't as stubborn as
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So I went to a garden shop... store... huge thing with greenhouses and massive amounts of plants and pots and everything you need to start your own farm pretty much... nursery, that's what it was. Huge. And bought strawberries (mine were truly dead) and nasturtian seeds and a pot for said nasturtian seeds. And then, at home, I went online and
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This was a good day. After a week of Quarter End (and oh, that disaster that hit at 4:55pm yesterday, after I had called Amy to pick me up, as my car was still unsuitable for the weather, and which could have been handled Monday morning and which was partially the client's own fault!), I took the day to relax and do laundry and to get my car out (
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The party last night went swimmingly. We had about thirty people show up (not all at once), which got a bit crowded, yet still went well. There were some excellent costumes. Amy's, based on a CLAMP manga, turned out spectacularly. (Her hair was a mass of ringlets, and she was so sad to have to undo them. They were gorgeous.) There was more
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So I cleaned today, in preparation for our yearly Halloween party. Which felt good. It let me work off some hormonal stress. Cleaning does that for me, somehow: I always feel much calmer when I've spent a couple hours attacking things with rags and vacuums, and then everything's clean and tidy
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